Well....here I am again, a day late!! I thought that I would be able to post this last night, but.....we went to a friends house to eat....(fresh crab....yummmm), and then, I stayed and visited....and visited.....and dragged home at 10:00 last night. Max and Mom were home by 6:30.....so I guess you know.....(if you didn't already), that I can talk and talk and talk....LOL!
I had been junking the other day, and found some great goodies! I have a hard time finding goodies here, as we really have only 2 places to go, other than garage sales. But this is what I found at St. Vincent De Paul:
I was thrilled! I found the two Louet Carding Combs...I have been looking for them, and they are expensive new.....and there they were...just waiting for me to grab them up. Now, however, I am wondering...should I keep them or sell them...I don't have my wheel now....and well....no fleece now either...this will require some thought! And I LOVED the coffee cup and saucer....it is an old restaurant one. Basket? It was the perfect prim color, and I couldn't pass it up! AND, it won't need redoing..it is perfect as it is. The two boxes, will be makeovers this week, and see all those spools? Punch Needle threads...in PRIMITIVE colors! Where on earth did they come from? Florence is not a prim place! The baggie? It's full of little artificial apples, that have been dusted with clear glitter. They will be going in a glass jar for the new kitchen when it comes!
NOW, for the real prize!! See the wood paper towel holder in the back? Well, I found one just like it in Country Sampler...for the price of $39.95, plus $11.00 postage. My price, (and it is identical, I just need to paint it), ta daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa........I paid $6.99 for it! I danced all the way out to the car!!
I also found some tin molds.....
this one being the coolest:
It is nice and heavy, and the design is incredible! Here's a close-up of the top:

I couldn't believe it! How could someone just not snatch it up? I can hardly wait to do some pantry cakes out of it....Now, if I could just figure out how to make the old-fashioned food screens.......there is always something, isn't there?!!!
Today is my Mom's birthday...Happy Birthday, Mom!!! (why aren't you answering the phone???? And where is the answering machine??????) Max was right, we should have called EARLY!!! Hope you and Dad are out having a good time!!
Well, that is about it for today! It is lunch time, and for once, I am hungry! Hope you all have a great day!! Check back tomorrow, as I have a wonderful recipe to post....Crab Lasagna!
What gerat finds!!!!
I especially love the mold. They will make some wonderful pantry cakes.
As for the combs I would keep them. They are great to decorate with.
I hadn't thought about decorating with the combs....great idea, Mary! Now, I need to dig out my roving.....I just love your ideas!
You got some awesome deal! Woohoo!
Still doing the happy dance here!
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